What is strategic planning?
The Forward Together strategic planning initiative provides an opportunity to reflect on and examine our efforts at aligning our Marianist mission with the current and future vision of our school's direction with purpose and clarity. This collaborative process will lay out goals and objectives and position us for transformational change over the next five years.
Why are we completing a five-year strategic plan?
We have much to be proud of in our 61-year history. Our young women and men continue to accomplish amazing things in their communities as they work Toward a Better World. At the same time, it is no secret that education is not static, and the needs of our current and future students continually evolve. Cultivating a sensitivity toward those needs, coupled with a
well-articulated plan, will help us to ensure that we are providing the education and faith formation that will equip them to meet the future with competence and confidence!
How You Can Help
The foundation of the process is built to be highly collaborative. You may be invited to participate in a focus group discussion, answer a survey, or give feedback on a particular area under study. The eight focus areas are: academics/technology, advancement, enrollment management/marketing, facilities, finance, governance, Marianist charism/Catholic identity, and student life. Each area is chaired by one on-staff and one off-staff person (parent, alum, community member, etc.).
Each study group has been provided with a current context document which covers the significant events in that area for the last two to three years. The study group will consider that document and other artifacts (survey results, demographic studies, additional reports) to construct a refined narrative document - without recommendations at this stage. A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) survey instrument is also part of the data-gathering process.
Progress to Date
On Thursday, October 6, under the direction of our consultant Kathleen Casey, from Partners in Mission, the focus area chairpersons met to become acquainted with the overall process and to discuss benchmarks along the proposed timeline. The end goal is to develop the most robust, relevant, and ambitious plan possible for CMCP!
A spring retreat is planned for April. The work of this day-long gathering will be to discuss all the findings and to identify trends. From these discussions, goals and objectives for each domain in the plan will be articulated.
Join Us in Prayer
We know that the work of the Holy Spirit is among us each and every day. We also know that the spirit of Chaminade lives in everything that we do. Please join us during this time of important discernment.
Forward Together!
Judith Mucheck, Ph.D.
Head of School
Longer-range planning for an organization can be a daunting task. In fact, it can be downright overwhelming. Strategic planning is a focused exercise which identifies critical areas and takes a deep dive into every aspect of the area to look for strengths, weaknesses, and asks essential questions for consideration. One of the key elements of the process is maximum engagement from as many constituents as possible.
CMCP began a formal strategic planning process in conjunction with Partners in Mission, a consulting firm that facilitated our work. Beginning with an orientation for our Board of Trustees in April 2022 and concluding with a structured workday in April 2023, various members of the community examined data, met in small groups, launched and analyzed surveys, and reviewed past and current practice in eight different domains.
This infographic is offered to provide a snapshot of the effective and important work of our process which will form the basis of our strategic initiatives for the next five years.
“Forward Together” was the focus of the Strategic Planning workday which was held on Saturday, April 22. Thirty-six participants assembled to consider the multiple data-inputs gathered from September through March of this year from all the constituent groups of our school - students, parents, alumni, alumni parents, faculty/staff, and more. These inputs were distilled into three objectives for each of the stated domains of focus for a total of twenty-four potential actionable items for the school from 2023 to 2028.
Thank you to all of the participants for their enthusiastic and collaborative work!