Central Catholic High School

"Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action."

John 3:18

The Service Learning Program promotes the leadership and personal involvement of our students in the giving of time, treasure, and talent to their community. Service is an integral part of our education since it provides an opportunity to shape students' values and helps to further the intellectual, personal, and social growth of our students.

Each student is required to complete a minimum of 25 hours of community service per academic year. These hours, due May 30, 2025, must meet all guidelines provided by CMCP. Students are responsible for logging hours electronically via
Helper Helper (our online service hours tracking system). Each student must access their Helper Helper account initially by the following:

  • Access your CANVAS account – go to your class Campus Ministry Course
  • Click on Helper Helper – look for Add Past Opportunities
  • Make sure you have Date – Name of Organization – Description of Service – Contact name
  • and email.

All outside service hours must be completed through a nonprofit organization or agency. Any exceptions to this must first be approved by the Director of Campus Ministry. We are emphasizing Community Service involvement along with On Campus Service. On campus service hours will only count toward the requirement of Freshman students. All other grades will be expected to do at least 25 hours of Community Service and not only On Campus service hours. Upperclassman may earn on campus hours to use toward the Community Service Award.

To be considered for the Community Service Award, which is celebrated at the Academic and Service Award Dinner, students must also complete the following additional hours calculated from June 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025:

Mandatory 25 service hours PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 50 HOURS = 75 hours

Mandatory 25 service hours PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 75 HOURS = 100 hours

*This does not include hours accrued during freshman year

Mandatory 25 service hours  PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 100 HOURS = 125 hours

*This does not include hours accrued during sophomore year

Mandatory 25 service hours PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 125 HOURS = 150 hours

*This does not include hours accrued during junior year

Service Learning Files

Service Learning Guidelines

Every student at CMCP is required to do at least 25 hours of service per year for a final total of 100 hours over four years. Below please find the guidelines for acceptable service hours.

Students may do and log service through:

1) CMCP provided service opportunities such as service clubs and events like Service Week.

2) Working with an approved non-profit organization, logging these hours digitally via Helper Helper and providing verification for these hours. Here is a list of some (but not limited to) approved organizations and agencies that you can volunteer for: Community Service Opportunities.

3) The agency or organization that you will be volunteering for needs to fulfill the following criteria:

  • It must be in a non-profit organization, Church or Agency.
  • No monetary compensation can be given to the student.
  • Service will not be counted if it is to an individual, family member or neighbor unless previously approved by the Director of Campus Ministry.
  • The agency or organization needs to be in accordance with Catholic Teaching

4) If you are unsure of whether your service event or Organization will be accepted then contact Mr. Terry at sterry@cmlions.org.

5) Hands On Broward is a community website that has daily service opportunities. Campus Ministry will remind students weekly of possible service opportunities through the year. Here is a link to the Hands On Broward Calendar of Service Opportunities: https://www.handsonbroward.org/calendar

6) More information is available here: Student Service Hours Guidelines

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