Central Catholic High School

"Ours is a great work, a magnificent work. If it is universal, it is because we are missionaries of Mary, who has said to us, 'Do whatever He tells you.' Yes, all of us are missionaries."

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade 

Marianist Founder

The Campus Ministry Program at Chaminade-Madonna is in response to the school’s mission of “educating the heart and soul as well as the mind and body” and motto of Toward a Better World. Building a faith community which meets members where they are and challenges them to be “ministers,” by giving them opportunities to recognize their own gifts for the purpose of serving is the primary focus of the program. As a faith-based school, we believe that nurturing the spiritual dimension of all members of the community is important. As a Marianist school we strive to be faithful and give voice to the tenets of Marianist spirituality. The positive creation of community and the exercise of hospitality are important as we welcome new members each year.

As an intentionally diverse school community, we welcome participation in all programs by all members regardless of their professed faith tradition.

Goals and Objectives:

  • To proclaim and celebrate the Gospel message
  • To communicate the heritage and charism of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade and the Marianists
  • To provide opportunities for members of the school community (students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni) to explore their relationship with themselves, others and God
  • To celebrate the faith community through various forms and styles of worship
  • To call on and encourage members of the community to share their gifts and to minister to others’ needs by responsible participation in all facets of society
  • To be open to change and adaptation by “reading the signs of the times,” while staying rooted in Gospel values 
  • To coordinate all aspects of the service hour requirement(s) for each student

Have a Question?

For more information, please contact:

Steve Terry, M.A.

Director of Campus Ministry

954-989-5150 ext.119



Rev. Robert Bouffier, S.M.



Br. Jack Ventura, S.M., M.B.A, M.A., & M.P.S. 

Director of Mission Integration


Caytie Lagrange, M.S.

Mission Integration Committee Chair


Campus Ministry Programs

  • Days of reflection for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Seniors
  • Encounter Retreat for Juniors (two nights), offered four times a year (a graduation requirement). Registration for these retreats happen in September of the school year.

  • LIFE stands for "Living in Faith Experience." In the Marianist tradition, students gather to share their faith and build community
  • LIFE meetings are held twice a month with evening and school day attendance options
  • Marianist LIFE Community is a wonderful group of students who are welcoming, accepting and diverse. 
  • LIFE is an awesome community for new or shy students to get connected and feel seen and heard.

LIFE is led by students for students with the Director of Campus Ministry overseeing the program. Each LIFE event is held on Wednesday nights and includes: 

  • Food
  • Community Building Activities 
  • Lesson
  • Small Group Discussion
  • Shared Prayer

  • S.A.L.T. stands for “Serving And Leading Together”.  In the Marianist tradition, this program enhances leadership skills in small group facilitation, public speaking, community service and faith leadership.
  • We believe that by empowering students to serve their peers stronger bonds are created within the members of our community and further enriches student faith development.
  • S.A.L.T. workshops are offered to Juniors and Seniors throughout the year.

Serving and Leading Together is especially fostered through the following: 

  • Leading Retreats
  • Planning and Leading at Masses and Prayer Services
  • Leading new students on campus
  • Leading at our bi-monthly LIFE Program

  • Liturgical ministries (Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Acolytes)
  • Marianist LIFE Summer Leadership Retreat
  • Daily morning prayer leader
  • Liturgical Choir 
  • Liturgy Planning Team

Description Title

  • Monthly student-wide Mass
  • Daily morning prayer
  • Reconciliation upon request with our on-campus Chaplain
  • Prayer services for athletic teams


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