The Wellness Center is located in Kearns Hall and is staffed from 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Chaminade-Madonna has a registered nurse (Wellness Center Clinician) on staff to take care of students with medical conditions or who become ill during the school day. Parents with concerns over the health of their student(s) may email a message to
Students with medical needs:
Chaminade-Madonna is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its students. Health policies and practices are reviewed regularly and are in accord with the Florida Department of Health guidelines.
- Parents requesting the administration of over-the-counter medications are required to have an “Authorization for Selected Over-the-Counter” (OTC) Medication Form on file in the clinic. Examples of OTC medications are Tylenol/acetaminophen, Advil or Motrin/Ibuprofen, Midol, to name a few.
Parents must supply the OTC medication where it will be labeled and stored in the student clinic. The student will request a dose from the school nurse as needed. Students may not be in possession of OTC medications during the school day.
- Students with more serious chronic medical conditions who require in-school administration of medication (i.e., diabetes, depression, other) must have a “Parent/Guardian Medication Administration Consent Form,” which includes the signature of the prescribing physician, on file in the clinic.
Parents must supply the prescribed medication where it will be labeled and stored in the Wellness Center. The student will come to the clinic for the proper dosage dispensing.
- Students requiring surgery, hospitalization, or who have a significant illness, injury or concussion should contact the Wellness Center Clinician to discuss the details of the situation. She will inform the student’s guidance counselor and the Assistant Head of School for coordination of assignments and return to school. • A physician’s release will be required for return to school or participation in sports or HOPE after more serious injury/illness.
- Any student who has an injury which requires use of the elevator/lift should inform the Wellness Center Clinician who will issue a pass and train the student on the use of the lift to the second-floor classrooms.
- Parents may request a meeting with the school nurse to review their child’s medical information and arrange for a teacher meeting if necessary.
- All students must have an up-to-date vaccination record on file. Form 681 exemptions are not accepted.
Maintaining a safe environment includes ensuring that students are free from any type of drug abuse. If a student is suspected of drug or related substance abuse, the student may be subject to a urinalysis screen conducted by the school nurse, after referral from the Dean of Students (c.f.: handbook “Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy”). Students will be asked to empty their pockets and purses/handbags/backpacks or other such items prior to providing a specimen. If a student is found to have provided a synthetic or specimen other than their own, additional disciplinary consequences may be imposed.