Central Catholic High School

CMCP offers a variety of clubs and activities designed to encourage student participation in school life outside of the classroom. Most CMCP students are engaged in at least one or more activities. Participation in these programs is essential to the overall educational experience at CMCP.

  • Art Club

    Jenny Gironda, M.A. - Moderator 

    Purpose:  To enjoy the experience of art, especially for those who are unable to take the art electives, to offer service to the school and other departments through quality art designs, displays, and decorations, and to form an atmosphere for easy communication and relations between students.  Students earn community service hours participating in school projects. 

    Activities:  Painting set designs for the drama department, working on school projects, drawing posters for school events and activities. 

    Eligibility:  Energy, interest, willingness to spend time with others, open to all students. 

    Finances:  $5 Fee 

    Responsibilities:  Attendance at meetings, participation in projects. 


  • Best Buddies

    Maria Guerrero, M.S. - Moderator

    Best Buddies' organizes 2 Major events during the year (Fall/Winter and a Spring Event). We also have the students from the Quest Center come here (our students do not go to the Quest Center). Other activities include Boxing Events for Valentines and Thanksgiving.

    Eligibility:  Open to all students. 

    Finances: Annual dues. 

    Responsibilities:  Attendance at meetings, participation in events, and fundraising. 


  • Book Club

    Patrick Heffernan, M.A. - Moderator

    Purpose: The Book Club is a safe space for eager readers to share a common pastime. Students gather to discuss favorite genres, recommend new titles, and join in reading inspiring works together.

    Activities: White elephant book exchange, lending library / book donations

    Eligibility: students in grades 9-12 who will keep up with the voluntary reading.

    Finances: None

    Responsibilities: complete club readings, attend monthly meetings, participate in discussions, and communicate with leaders / moderators


  • Chess Club

    Luke Kriss, B.S. - Moderator

    Purpose: The club offers students an opportunity to develop an interest and analyze the game of chess. Students are provided with learning the intricacies of the game and competing with one another in a competitive environment. 

    Activities: Lessons, puzzles, friendly games, online competitive matches between clubs, and in-person tournaments throughout the year.

    Eligibility: Open to all students.

    Finances: Students pay for their own expenses.

    Responsibilities: Attendance at meetings and required events. 


  • Choir

    Lesley Gent, M.M. - Moderator

    The Choir program at CMCP is open to all students who are interested in singing and would like to develop their voice. Students in the choir will get opportunities to sing at all of our Masses at school, as well as the two concerts of the year: The Christmas Concert and the End of the Year Concert.


  • Diversity Club

    Benjamin Gleichauf, M.S. - Moderator

    Purpose: A social and support group created to learn about soial issues and advocate for equality and justice. 

    Activities: Monthly meetings and activities. 

    Eligibility: Open to all students. 

    Finances: Annual Dues. 

    Responsbilities: Attend monthly meetings and required events. Participate in anti-bullying day.


  • Drumline

    Lesley Gent, M.M. - Moderator

    Drumline gives students of all musical backgrounds or experiences a chance to be a part of an ensemble. Regardless of whether you have played an instrument before or not, you will learn how to play a drum of your choosing as well as the basic rudiments for successful technique. The Drumline takes part in several school functions such as the Football Games, Open House, the Pep Rallies and more!

    To join Drumline, students must be able to come to the Football games at CMCP as well as attending the after school rehearsals.


  • E-Gaming

    David Buttacavoli, M.Ed. - Moderator


    Purpose: The CMCP E-Gaming club offers students a chance to develop communication skills and build teamwork as they compete against each other and other local schools through various video games. Students will practice against each other and improve their skills before competing against other schools through a virtual platform. Students are offered an opportunity to play with their friends as they grow individually and as a team before using their skills to play matches on their video game systems. 

    Eligibility: All skill levels are welcome to join.  


    Activities: Weekly practices (in-season and off-season), online competitive matches with local schools, friendly tournaments within the club.

    Finances: None 

    Responsibilities: Maintain eligibility; Remain in good academic standing; attend practices regularly; attend weekly gameday matches.


  • Environmental Club

    Megan Foley, M.S. - Moderator

    The Environmental Club's mission is to promote stewardship for the environment through creating awareness and providing educational as well as volunteer opportunities for the CMCP community. The Environmental Club is responsible for the school's recycling program and monitors and maintains the Florida Burrowing Owl habitats on campus. The Environmental Club will discuss future "green" campus and community initiatives.


  • Fashion Club

    Jennifer Gironda, M.A. - Moderator

    Purpose:  The Fashion Club is an organization dedicated to the celebration and advancement of fashion.  Our mission is to foster a community of fashion enthusiasts here at CMCP. 

    Activities: Activities include learning about the history of fashion, relevant vocabulary,  sketching fashion, creating mood boards and also working with recycled materials to create garments.

    Eligibility: Fashion club is open to all CMCP students with an interest in fashion.  

    Finances: $5.00 

    Responsibilities:  Attendance at meetings, participation in projects.


  • Future Health Care Professionals 

    Caytie Lagrange, M.A. - Moderator

    Purpose: HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) is an international student organization for high school students interested in pursuing careers in healthcare. The goal of HOSA is to promote leadership, teamwork, and professional development while preparing students for careers in the medical field.

    It also helps students develop skills in areas like medical terminology, public speaking, teamwork, and health science knowledge.

    Activities: Guest Speakers, as of right now.

    Eligibility: Available to all students

    Finances: none at this time- based on event requirement

     Responsibilities: attend events, positive contributions on campus 


  • Interact Club

    John Monaco, M.Th. & M.Div. - Moderator   


    Purpose:  To provide opportunities for our youth to work together in a world fellowship dedicated to service and understanding. 

    Activities:  Service projects including the Adopt-a-Family food drive.  Fundraising events and drives for our local and global communities. 

    Eligibility:  Open to all students. 

    Finances: Annual dues. 

    Responsibilities:  Attend meetings and participate in the activities sponsored by the club. 


  • Mainstage

    Benjamin Gleichauf, M.S. - Moderator 

    Purpose:  CMCP’s after school theatre club runs in conjunction with the school’s chapter of the International Thespian Society (the honor society for theatre). 

    Activities:  The club has a variety of purposes and activities that are intended to immerse the student in everything in theatre such as acting, auditioning, voice, movement and dance, and technical design through rehearsals, meetings, master classes, field trips, and workshops.  Opportunities are also given to students to compete in the International Thespian Society’s district and statewide competitions to represent the talents of CMCP in the greater Florida community. 

    Eligibility:  Open to all students. 

    Finances:  No dues.   

    Responsibilities:  Participation in monthly meetings and in school productions are mandatory.  Students wishing  to join the International Thespian Society must participate in the MainStage Club, complete a set  number of hours working on after school productions, and pay a one-time initiation fee of $35.00. 


  • Man Up 

    Shawn Michaelson, J.D. - Moderator

    Dameon Jones, B.S. - Moderator

    Purpose: The purpose of the club is for the young men of Chaminade-Madonna to carry out service in the Marianist tradition; to act as role models and mentors for the community; and, to learn life skills that will carry them into adulthood.  

    Activities: They will engage in service activities in the community and be ambassadors and representatives of Chaminade-Madonna men.  

    Eligibility: The group is open to all Chaminade-Madonna young men.  

    Finances: There are no club dues.



  • Mock Trial

    Ashley Gonzalez, M.A. - Moderator

    Purpose:  To provide an opportunity for hands-on simulation of civil and criminal courtroom procedure and legal concepts/terminology. 

    Activities:  To replicate real courtroom procedures and cases, traveling to regional Mock Trial competitions where we compete against other students. 

    Eligibility:  Open to students in grades 10, 11 and 12.  Application and interview required; must receive approval  by club moderator.

    Finances: Students pay for trip expenses (airfare, hotel, some meals, conference fees and local travel). 

    Responsibilities:  Attend weekly meetings.


  • Model UN

    Diana Van, M.S. - Moderator

    Purpose:  To provide an opportunity for hands-on simulation of global issues and negotiation towards solutions  in world affairs/international relations. 

    Activities:  To mock U.N.’s role-playing, debate according to Robert’s Rules. Travel to Harvard’s Model United Nations Conference. 

    Eligibility:  Open to students in the 10th, 11th and 12th grades; interview required; must receive approval from moderator. 

    Finances:  Students pay their own expenses.  Price includes airfare, lodging, some meals, and local travel. 

    Responsibilities:  Attend weekly meetings.


  • Robotics 

    Guru Shivram, B.M.E. - Moderator

    Purpose: To give students an opportunity to work with others in a spirit of collaboration and gracious competition to solve real world problems using computer controlled robotic systems.  

    Activities: Monthly meetings and building sessions. 

    Eligibility: Open to all students. 

    Finances: Annual dues. 

    Responsibilities:  Attend monthly meetings and activities. 


  • Science Olympiad

    Mya Montalvo, M.A. - Moderator 

    Purpose:  The Science Olympiad Club offers students a unique opportunity to explore and develop an interest in STEM.  Although challenging, the club aims to enhance science education by providing a fun and engaging experience for students to learn actively.   

    Activities:  With over 20 events, students can engage in hands-on, interactive, and inquiry-based activities in design, engineering, and more.  Students can develop teamwork, problem-solving, and collaboration skills by participating in club activities and competitions.  The events include testing scientific knowledge, process skills, and practical applications. 

    Eligibility: Open to all grade levels.

    Finances:  Annual dues $35.00. 


  • Speech & Debate Club

    Jamila Stanbury, M.B.A. - Moderator

    Purpose: To provide an opportunity for the practice of agrumentative skills and public speaking in a debate competition environment. 

    Activities: To represent CMCP in various debate styles and tournaments starting with the annual Broward County competition hosted by the local Forensics League. 

    Eligibility: Open to students of all grade levels. Selection to compete contingent upon commitment and try-out Process; must receive approval by club moderator. 

    Finances: Students pay dues to pay for competition fees and transportation to and from competitions. 

    Responsibilities: Attend weekly meetings.


  • Student Ambassadors

    Luigina Billisi, M.S. '93 - Moderator

    Purpose: The Student Ambassador Program is a voluntary, public relations program developed to assist with the promotion of CMCP through various school events and activities involving prospective students, parents, and alumni. Student Ambassadors are a dynamic team of student leaders dedicated to representing CMCP in its best light. 

    Acitivities: Our student Ambassadors represent and promote the school at special events ranging from Open House to the middle school events. 

    Eligibility: Open to sophomore, junior, and senior students who exhibit good manners and proper etiquette. 

    Finances: None. 


    1) Providing visitors a realistic glimpse of the CMCP experience with an overview of programs provided, academics, student life, facilities, and school atmosphere developed in the Marianist charism. 

    2) Developing relationships with prospective students through recruitment activities. 

    3) Ability to speak publicly in regard to the positive experiences of CMCP. 

    4) Assisting various departments within the school when needed. 

    5) Welcome parents, students, and prospecitve students to the campus. 

    6) Providing 20 hours of service strictly to CMCP through this program. 


  • Student Government Association (S.G.A.)

    Heather Wiseman, M.A. - Moderator 

    Purpose:  To provide a forum for students’ voices to be heard.  To create leadership opportunities where student ideas for change are considered for implementation. 

    Activities:  The planning and execution of school wide events such as the events of Homecoming Week. 

    Eligibility:  Students who are in good disciplinary standing may run for a student government position. 

    Finances: None. 

    Responsibilities:  Attend all S.G.A. meetings and activities, promote school spirit, maintain a 2.5 GPA and demonstrate exemplary conduct. 


  • Women Engaged

    Caytie Lagrange, M.A. - Moderator             

    Luigina Billisi, M.S. '93 - Moderator

    The objectives of Women Engaged are to:

    • Nurture and reinforce the development of positive attitudes towards self as a unique and worthy person;
    • Demonstrate and exercise effective communication skills and cooperative behavior in group settings and recognize various levels of communication while cultivating active listening;
    • Recognize that change is part of growth and understanding its benefits (including gender socialization and cultural norms); and
    • Learn about and apply methods for problem-solving and conflict resolution.                                                              

    Activities: Five topics of leadership presentations per year opened to Women Engaged Members.  Each presentation will have an introduction, a small group break-out session, and a big group reporting back.   Other activities include one service project together per year, one leadership-building activity, a Friendsgiving,  a Christmas gift exchange, and a workshop for the leaders. 

    Eligibility: Open to all female students. 

    Finances: $15 annual dues

    Responsibilities:  Attend monthly meetings and guest speaker events. 



  • Yearbook

    Christine Wehnes, M.Ed. - Moderator

    Purpose:  To document, through picture and word, all aspects of CMCP life: Community, Student  Activities, Sports, and Fine/Performing Arts. 

    Activities:  Selecting a yearly theme; Designing a cover reflecting the theme; Photographing all aspects of  CMCP life.

    Eligibility:  Open to students in grades 11 & 12; application & interview required; must receive approval  from moderator. 

    Finances: No dues. 

    Responsibilities:  Must be willing to take photographs, as needed, at major school events; Must attend  quarterly planning meetings.


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